1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Values
  4. Preamble
  5. Definition
  6. Legislative
  7. Aim and Objectives
  8. Disciplinary Committee
  9. Functions of Disciplinary Committee
  10. Roles and Responsibilities
  11. The Jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct
  12. Date of Adoption
  13. Date and Signatures
  1. Successful Study

Homework Policy

School Times

Preamble to the Constitution of South Africa


Goal setting


General Notes







  1. VISION: – Every learner feels valued and inspired in our innovative education system.



  1. MISSION: – We are committed to providing a functional and modern school where quality teaching and learning take place every day in the classroom.  We aspire to promote a disciplined and inspiring environment which enables learners to achieve academic and personal excellence and to be responsible and productive individuals.


  1. Values
  • INTEGRITY    –    To do the right thing
  • EMPATHY    –    To understand and share the feelings of    others
  • PASSION   –    To love what we do
  • RESPECT    –    To show respect to everyone
  • ACCOUNTABILITY  –    To take responsibility
  • HONESTY         –    To always speak the truth
  • TOLERANCE       –    To accept and respect differences in others
  • APPRECIATION     –   To be thankful for everything

The South African Schools Act, No. 84. 1996.8(1) states “…….  A Governing Body of a public school must adopt a Code of Conduct for the learners ….” Clause 8(4) continues, “Nothing contained in this act exempts a learner from the obligation to comply with the code of conduct ….”





The Code of Conduct defines a set of standards and procedures that are set to operate within our school.

The Code of Conduct includes rules, which govern the conduct of learners and relationships between learners, educators, parents, and Governing Body.


In this Code of Conduct, unless the context indicates otherwise –


  1. “Education department “means the department established by section 7(2) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103, of 1994) which is responsible for education in the province; (xi). In our case, GDE
  2. “Educator” means an educator as defined in the Educators Employment Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 138 of 1994); (xii)
  3. “Governing Body” means a governing body contemplated in section 16(1) ;( ii) of SASA.
  4. “Learner” means any person receiving education or obliged to receive education in terms of Act ;( vii) in Midrand Primary School.
  5. “Principal” means an educator appointed or acting as the head of the school;
  6. “Head of Department of the Gauteng Department of Education” means the head of department 6.3.8.
  7. “Parent” Means
  8. a) The parent or guardian of a learner
  9. b) The person legally entitled to custody of a learner.

       4.8 “The school” means Midrand Primary School.

       4.9.“School Day” means each day designated a school day by the  

               Gauteng Department of Education.

       4.10 “The Constitution” means The Constitution of the RSA (Act No.  

  • 1996).


    1. SA Schools Act, no 84 of 1996 as amended by the Education
    2. Laws Amendment Act, 2005
    3. Constitution (Act No 108 of 1996) of the Republic of South Africa
    4. National Education Policy Act, 1996
    5. The Regulations for misconduct of learners at public schools and Disciplinary Proceedings, 2001 (General Notice 2591 of 2001).



      The aim of the Code of Conduct is:

  1. To set the standards and procedures required of learners within the school to improve the environment for, and quality of the learning process in all its aspects.
  2. To provide procedures for learners, parents, educators and staff to address their grievances.
  3. To set up procedures that in the event of a learner failing to adhere to the Code of Conduct, appropriate measures may be used to coax the learner to correct the unacceptable conduct.



Comprise of three panellist who are members of the SGB or are eligible to be elected as SGB.

The chairperson must be a parent or the community member of the SGB.

Learners of the school or the principal cannot be part of the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE.

Any person with prior personal knowledge of or interested in the case can’t be part of the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE.



Principal leads evidence as prosecutor during the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE sitting and is not a member of the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE. The chairperson will preside over the case.


Standards of personal behaviour

Learners are expected to:

  • Be polite, courteous, and helpful to educators, other staff, fellow learners, parents, and visitors.
  • Fully carry out all reasonable instructions of educators, other staff and prefects’ instructions passed through a fellow learner. Co-operate with reasonable requests made by fellow learners.
  • Show respect to and expect respect from educators, other staff, fellow learners, parents, and visitors.
  • Except at sports meetings etc, screaming or shouting is unacceptable.
  • Class parties/celebrations may only take place under the control of the class educator or a school authorised parent.
  • All damage/breakages /graffiti, etc. to be reported immediately to an educator or other staff member. The learner responsible for the defacing or damage of property may have to correct the situation at their expense. They will also be required to explain their actions and may have to face disciplinary action.
  • Learners are to use the wastepaper bins provided; littering will earn the learner a default.
  • No animals, toys, or valuables such as cell phones are to be brought to school.
  • The sale or use or possession of illegal drugs/alcohol/weapons/pornographic material is totally unacceptable and may lead to the learner being expelled from the school.
  • Swearing, rude or derogatory language and actions are not allowed.
  • Fighting, kicking, pushing, or bullying is not allowed.
  • Games that cause injury or stain, tear clothes, etc. are not allowed.
  • Not more than R50 should be brought to school by an individual learner (tuck shop)


  • Standard of Personal Appearance.

Learners are expected to:

  1. Attend school or other official school functions neatly dressed in full school uniform (if required), or full sports kit unless specified otherwise by the principal.
  3. The school uniform is as follows:




Grades 1-7.


  • Girls (Summer)
  • Blue golf shirt – not the white shirt
  • Culottes
  • Blue short socks
  • Shoes – black with strap or lace-up.
  • Girls’ skirts must be knee length.


  • White shirt (Long sleeve) – not the blue golf shirt
  • Culottes
  • School tie
  • Blue jersey
  • Blue long socks OR black stockings (without socks)
  • Blue blazer with school badge


  • School tracksuit
  • Blue golf shirt
  • Shoes – black with strap or lace-up.


  • Hair must be:
  • Neatly worn; Fringes must be cut above the eyebrows.
  • If hair is long, wear it plaited and tied back in a ponytail. (even if it is braided)
  • Dyed, peroxide or tinted hair is not allowed.



  • Only girls may wear earrings.
  • Only one earring per ear in the lower lobe.
  • Only small sleepers or small stud type are allowed.







  • Boys (Summer)
  • Blue golf shirt -– not the white shirt
  • Khaki shorts
  • Long blue socks
  • Shoes – black lace-up



  • White shirt (Long sleeve) – Not the blue golf shirt
  • Long Khaki Pants
  • School tie
  • Blue jersey
  • Blue socks
  • Blue blazer with school badge


  • School tracksuit
  • Blue golf shirt
  • Shoes –lace-up.


  • Hair neatly cut with ears clearly visible and not touching the collar.
  • Fringes well above eyebrows
  • No gel is allowed.
  • Hair must be black. No tinted, dyed, or peroxide hair and no punk styles.
  • Dreadlocks and braiding are allowed but must not be below the collar.


                         Boys and Girls

                 On school Warm days:

  • Navy school jersey or pullover with red stripes

                 On cold winter days

  • Official school tracksuit or official
  • Navy school jersey
  • Only MPS-Maroon gloves, scarfs and beanie will be allowed.




  • Only watches or medical bracelets may be worn, No smart watches.
  • Learners may wear civvies on their birthday or on special designated civvies days e.g., Spring Day.



  • Cricket – white shorts. White golf shirt with a collar. White socks. White takkies
  • Soccer – Navy shorts. Navy shirt. Soccer boots or white takkies
  • Athletics – Navy shorts navy shirt
  • Netball – Navy shirt. Culottes. White takkies
  • Except for Foundation phase, Intersen learners (Grade 4-7) are expected to wear school shoes from home, On PE days Plain white or plain black takkies will only be worn during the PE periods after which learners will put their school shoes on.
  • Physical Education – White t-shirt, Navy shorts and white or black takkies.




  1. Attend school each day unless unable to do so due to sickness or any other valid reason, notifying the teacher/Principal of the absence. A vacation is not a valid reason for absence from school.
  2. Learners may only leave school in the care of the parent or other authorized adult.
  3. If a learner is away from school, a letter signed by the parents is required, indicating the reason for absence.
  4. If the learner has a contagious disease the learner should be kept at home until the infectious period has passed.
  5. Should a learner be absent for three or more days-parents are required to contact the school on the third day to inform the school of the situation.
  6. For valid reasons of absence, arrangements can be made for the learner to receive assistance in studying at home so that they do not fall too far behind.
  7. A learner who is absent from school for 10 consecutive school days without a notice to the school will be withdrawn from the school register.
  8. Punctuality is most important. Learners are required to be at school 10 minutes before the official starting times.
  9. School Hours- as communicated to parents from time to time.
  10. School hours- are as follows 07h30—14h00.
  11. No learner may remain on the school premises after the school day has ended unless they are participating in an extra mural activity, are at aftercare or they are staying for detention. Learners who have not been collected at the prescribed times should report to the reception, to security or to the aftercare to ensure the learner’s safety. The cost of the aftercare is for the parent’s account. Children found loitering at the school after 6pm will be taken to the Midrand Police Station where they will be collected by the parent.





  • Enter the school via the learners’ gate and not the main entrance, unless accompanied by a parent.
  • Leave bags neatly in a line outside the classroom. If it is raining, the bags are to be placed in a neat line on the corridor outside the classroom door.
  • Learners may only enter the building to go to the toilet or gain assistance from the office staff.
  • If it is raining, learners must remain inside the complex until school begins.
  • Movement in the corridors must be in single file and in a quiet and orderly manner. Keep left while moving along the corridor. Bags must be carried and not dragged along the ground when walking on the corridor. Bags must be placed in the lining up area during the breaks.
  • No running, noisemaking or playing is allowed in the school building.
  • Gain permission from the educator before leaving the classroom.


At all times:

  1. School bags must reflect only the learners’ name. No stickers and other writing are permitted on the school bag.
  2. Learners are to use solid and partitioned bags to protect textbooks. Failure to comply will result in the inappropriate bag being confiscated or LTSM being retrieved.
  3. Text and exercise books should be covered and cared for to make them last longer. Any tears, etc. should be repaired as soon as they are detected. Learners may not write in the textbooks. Exercise books must be covered and labelled. Parents must replace lost or damaged textbooks or pay the replacement cost.
  4. Learners are required to do their class work and homework each day. Diaries must be signed by a parent to indicate that the task is complete.
  5. Learners may not eat or drink in the school building.
  6. Chewing of bubble-gum is totally banned and must NEVER be brought onto school property.
  7. Learners are not allowed to enter classrooms without educator supervision.


    • All learners are required to attend assembly. Learners are required to enter and leave the hall in an orderly and disciplined manner. Conduct during assemblies must be orderly.
    • Learners may not touch any electrical apparatus or lighting switches, play on, or move the piano around or operate the curtain mechanism or screen unless instructed to by an educator.
    • The stage area is always out of bounds unless learners are supervised by an educator.
    • No eating or drinking is allowed in the hall, foyer, corridors, toilets, sickroom, or tuck-shop area.
    • Before school, during breaks and after school, the hall and corridors are to be free of learners unless they are using the toilets.
    • Learners may not loiter or play in the cloakrooms or corridors.
    • Learners must flush the toilet after use.
    • Toilet paper must not be wasted.
    • After use, cloakrooms must be left in a spotless condition.
    • Except for learners who are sick, the sickroom is out of bounds. The class educator will provide the learner with a sick note to give to the secretaries indicating that the learner is sick. The secretary will contact the parents to inform them.
    • Learners are not permitted to be in the sickroom for more than two hours. Parents or guardians must collect them.
    • Learners may not visit a friend in the sickroom.
    • The staffroom and admin area are out of bounds to all learners.
    • No form of graffiti is permitted on any school property. This is a punishable offence.




  1. Learners must use the bins provided and not litter.
  2. Games that may cause injury or torn clothing are not to be played.
  3. Learners must not damage trees or plants.
  4. Bicycles are to be locked in the bicycle parking area.
  5. Bicycles may not be removed from the parking.

                             area or ridden during school time.

  1. Detachable items such as lamps, pumps, etc. must not be left on the bike during the day.
  2. The school will not accept responsibility for loss or

             damage to bicycles.

  1. Rollerblades, skateboards, and scooters are not.

       allowed at school.






    • As with every other aspect of school life, learners are expected to behave in a disciplined manner. Failure to do so will result in action being taken that is proportionate to the misdemeanour.
    • Unruly behaviour, damage to the vehicle, throwing objects or spitting from the bus will not be permitted.
    • Travelling to other schools on field excursions is a privilege that can be removed should a learner be found guilty of misconduct.
    • Learners who display continual acts of misconduct shall be deemed unfit for excursions.





Procedures for serious transgressions that could lead to detention, suspension, and expulsion.



A child needs to have 3 defaults before receiving a demerit.  Defaults will be issued by an educator and duly recorded.


  • DETENTION: 3X Demerits will result in a detention.
  • First Detention- a letter addressed to parents.
  • Second Detention- a second letter of warning addressed to the parents (Parents called in to meet with the SMT)
  • Third Detention- a third letter addressed to the parents suspending their child from school.



DETENTION TIMES: Fridays 14:00-15:00

The onus is on the parent to make the necessary transport arrangements. Parents will be given four days’ notice prior to a detention.


  • SUSPENSION: This will occur after three detentions.

A learner may receive a default for:

  1. Homework and/or projects not done/incomplete
  2. Seriou’s insolence to educators/prefects
  3. Disruptive / unacceptable behaviour (in class, sport or excursion)
  4. Bunking class or extra murals
  5. Late arrival for school, class, extra mural activities
  6. No books/stationery
  7. No sport kit
  8. Incorrect uniform
  9. Bad Language
  10. Dishonesty with negligible consequences
  11. Leaving class without permission
  12. Minor plagiarism
  13. Regular and unreasonable absenteeism
  14. Failing to complete assigned homework / projects
  15. Defiance towards educator/admin staff / General assistants or


  1. Littering
  2. Misbehaviour on corridors/in assembly
  3. Unacceptable conduct on public transport
  4. Copying answers from other learners during formal and informal

       assessments (will either result in a mark of zero for that  

       component or the script will be re-written)

  1. Throwing of objects
  2. Possession of a cell phone (Cell phones will be confiscated. Parents

       will be requested to collect it from school at the end of the year.


  • Immediate Suspension (due process)

(Parents will be called in to meet the Governing Body.)

  1. Smoking of cigarette, e-cigarettes or vapes, drinking or smelling of liquor on the premises or while in

      school uniform

  1. Fighting – serious aggressive physical encounters
  2. Bad, discriminatory, or vulgar language
  3. Continual bullying/ cyber bullying on any form of social media
  4. Repeated insolence towards staff
  5. Bunking school/detention
  6. Vandalism/ damage to Property
  7. Graffiti
  8. Possession of or dealing in or taking drugs
  9. Indecent behaviour/material/literature
  10. Theft
  11. Leaving school without permission
  12. Serious discriminatory Behaviour/racial intolerance or sexist


  1. Gross dishonesty with serious consequences
  2. Possession of weapons/Firearms
  3. Indecent and open sexual relations e.g. kissing, cuddling, etc.
  4. Sexual Harassment
  5. Indecent assault
  6. 19. Regular Late coming
  7. When a learner is due for a third detention
  8. Intimidation and Extortion
  9. Conspiracy to commit any of the above



The SGB may suspend a learner from attending school: –


  • as a correctional measure for a period not longer than one week; or
  • in consultation with the HOD pending a decision as to whether the learner is to be expelled from the school by the HOD; or
  • as a precautionary measure for suspected serious misconduct until the results of a fair hearing at a disciplinary committee have been finalized.
  • if in the opinion of the SGB, it is in the interest of establishing a disciplined and purposeful school environment.
  • Without a hearing when a child accumulates three detentions.

A learner may be expelled only by the Head of Department If found guilty of serious misconduct after a fair hearing.


The following principles should be borne in mind whenever disciplinary action is instituted against a learner suspected of serious transgression of the school’s Code of Conduct.

  • Due process: the following rights of a learner are recognised in this regard.
  • The Learner must be informed of and understand the charge against him/her.
  • The Learner must be given the opportunity to be heard.
  • The learner must be accompanied by one or both parents at the hearing or by an attorney.
  • The learner is to be treated with dignity and civility during the process.
  • The person chairing the hearing must be impartial and should endeavour to ensure that all relevant evidence is presented and fairly considered.
  • As far as practicable, the privacy of the learner should be protected
  • The learner has the right to appeal to the relevant authority as stipulated by the department Regulations from time to time.
  • The parent/guardian of the learner must be timeously informed and offered the opportunity to be involved in the disciplinary process.
  • The disciplinary process must be fair, and sanctions must be just, corrective, and educative.



The sanctions must fit the offence and mitigating and/or aggravating factors (e.g frequency of transgressions, personal circumstances, etc.) must be considered.

Sanctions may include:

  • Verbal/written reprimand issued by the teacher/principal. The reprimand issued should be reasonable.
  • Limited ‘time-out’ of the classroom provided it is within 5m viewing distance of the teacher.
  • Replacement of/or reimbursement for damage, loss, or theft.
  • Detention after school on days and at times as determined by the School Management Team, after consultation with the parent(s), to perform:
  • Additional and meaningful academic work
  • Community service within and outside the school during weekdays or weekends under adult supervisiong. cleaning, gardening, administrative tasks.
  • Suspension or exclusion from specific school activities such as sports, cultural activities, field trips, excursions, etc.
  • Emergency removal and/or suspension pending a disciplinary hearing.
  • Expulsion after due process and after consultation with the Head of D
  • Referral to the GDE support services for assessment and suggestions re corrective measures.


Specific sanctions for specific infringement.

A certain degree of flexibility is educationally more accountable as infringements range from minor to very serious. The sanctions must also take into consideration the age of the learner, personal circumstances, the school history of the child, previous infringements, and any other mitigating circumstance. The disciplinary procedures as outlined under 9.1 will be followed in dealing with these forms of misconduct.


Corporal Punishment

Any form of corporal punishment is prohibited in terms of the South African School’s Act, 1996.



This Code of Conduct is in force:

    1. On school property prior to, during and following regular school hours i.e. at all times.
    2. At all official school events, both within and outside the regular school hours. Where said school events are held under the auspices of the school management structures.
    3. At all bona-fide (official) school events being held off the school premises.
    4. At all times when the learner is dressed in the official school uniform and is recognisable as our learner both within the school property and in public view outside the school. It also applies to learners in civvies.
    5. At all times whilst the learner is enrolled at Midrand Primary School.



  1. 13. REVIEW DATE: 18 May 2024





1.What is homework?


It is definitely work that should be done at home. It should be encouraged to be done at home – then it becomes more meaningful. At home learners have time to reflect on the day’s work, they have time to test their recollection of what.

Was done in the class- they have time to consolidate.


  1. The Salient points about homework
  • It should be relevant and meaningful.
  • It should test the learner’s understanding of the work done in school.
  • It should not involve too much research – but it should be thought provoking.
  • It must be application work -typical test and exam type questions.
  • It should be Consistent and continuous -try to avoid long lapses of not giving homework.
  • Homework should be done entirely by the learner- it must include their thoughts and thinking processes-not their father’s, brother’s or sister’s and friend’s.



  1. Checking of Homework


  • Teacher should spend about ±5 minutes – to check if every learner has ATTEMPTED homework – there should be WRITTEN PROOF that homework was attempted.
  • Reprimand or punish learners that have made no attempt at doing the homework.
  • Reward- praise those who that have done the homework.
  • Encourage learners to make an attempt (written) even if homework is difficult.
  • EMPHASIZE it’s not important to get every question correct but it’s important to attempt every question- their minds are working, thinking as they make the attempt and that’s the idea behind giving homework.


4.Why homework is necessary?


  • Encourages, motivate learners to do homework-emphasize that when they do homework, they’re studying the relevant work-they must not do I for the sake of showing the teacher they have made an attempt.
  • When they do begin studying for a test- all the homework they have done will make their studying easier.



  1. The Homework timetable
  • Encourages learners to draw up a homework timetable. The teacher should also have a homework timetable for the different grades he/she is teaching.





45 minutes per week per subject.

15 minutes per day per subject


1 hour per week per subject.

15 minutes per day per subjects


1⅓hours per week per subject

15 minutes per day per subject



ALLOCATE TWENTY (20) MINUTES EVERY DAY FOR READING …. Reading storybooks, magazines(educational), newspaper, textbooks, notes, etc.

NB: Homework should include all STUDYING time for tests, exams, etc. It should include reading time, doing assignments, etc.

Subject teachers should decide days to choose for their subjects so that there is no clash and learners are not overburdened.


  1. The Parents Role


                Every parent must have:

  1. A copy of their learner’s class timetable
  2. A copy of the term programme pasted on the fridge at home so that it is easily visible for the parent to remind their learner of their daily responsibilities. This must also serve as reminder for the parent’s role in monitoring their learner.



The parent must also physically check every day that the relevant schoolwork for the day is done before the learner goes to bed.

The parent must also SIGN the learner’s diary acknowledging that the relevant schoolwork for that day’s homework has been done.

By checking the assessment programme, the parent must also remind the learner to study well in advance for an exam or test, not just speak to them about this, but must sit down with them and see that they are studying schoolwork and not some kind of magazine, etc.


Educators will be checking homework on a regular basis by putting a stamp in the learner’s book. Parent will also have space to sign. It is expected of parents to check the homework at regular intervals.



7.The Learners Role


The learner MUST have a homework diary that has enough space to write in relevant information about daily school activities that overlap with homework.

The diary must be in the learner’s bag every day …… PARENT to check this.

The diary must be DATED…. Learner and parent have to check the diary every day before the learner goes to bed to be certain that all schoolwork for that day has been done /attempted and also to pack the relevant books for the following school day.


                                                      SCHOOL TIMES



                          Grade 4 -7 (Monday to Friday)                                                          07:30 -14:00

                          Grade 1 and 2 (Monday – Friday)                                                     07:30 -13:00

                          Grade 3 (Monday -Friday)                                                                  07:30 -13:30


                                                                           ASSEMBLY TIMES

                          Foundation Phase (Friday)                                                                   08:55

                          Intersen Phase (Tuesday)                                                                     07:30

                        Registration Period (Intersen phase)                                                  07:30




                          AFTER SCHOOL


                   Learners should leave the school grounds as soon as possible at the end of the school day.

                   Exceptions are those who have approved commitments after hours under teacher supervision.

                   Learners who engage in unsupervised games after school without permission do so at their own risk and                                   

                   The school shall not bee liable for any injury or damage suffered thereby.




                          We, the people of South Africa,

                          Recognise the injustices of our past.


                          Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land.

                          Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and

                          Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.

                          We, therefore, through our freely elected representatives, adopt this constitution as the supreme law

                          Of the Republic so as to:

  • Heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights.
  • Lay the foundations for democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the and every citizen is equally protected by law.
  • Improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person; and
  • Build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations.



May God protect our people.

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika. Morena boloka setjchaba sa heso

God seen Suid-Afrika. God bless South Africa.

Mudzimu fhatutshedza Afurika. Hosi katekisa Afrika